
Working Papers

Emerging Market Business Cycles with Heterogeneous Agents
     Latest draft October 2023
     Revision requested, Review of Economic Studies
     [Dec 2020 version]

Monetary-Fiscal Interactions in the United States
     with Paul Bouscasse
     Latest draft September 2023
     Revision requested, American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics

Who Bears Aggregate Fluctuations in Emerging Economies?
     Latest draft December 2020


MPCs in an Emerging Economy: Evidence from Peru    [Online Appendix]    [Replication Files]
      Journal of International Economics 140, 103712, January 2023.
      [Published version]    [Sep 2020 version]

The Value-Added and the Productivity of Korean Banking Industry (In Korean)
     with Se-Jik Kim
     Economic Analysis 21(3), 2015, 35-74.